Canna ‘Casa del Sol’

DECO-Style® has joined a new canna hybridization program in 2022: the first born of this program is offered to you exclusively. This new canna has been under evaluation by DECO-Style® since spring 2021, and the results have enabled us to establish the potential of this new cultivar. It can produce three 30-35 cm inflorescences of sunny yellow flowers on a very sturdy stem. The plant’s glossy green foliage can reach 100 to 150 cm, depending on care. This canna’s great vigor, excellent foliage density and high basal multiplication make it the champion of yellow-flowered cannas. This canna, like all cannas, requires excellent soil conditioning. This canna amazed Mr DECO-Style® in 2022
and will amaze him for a long time to come. This canna is a Formula 1.

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