Albuca Spiralis ‘Frizzle Sizzle’

A spiral show.

This curious and intriguing plant comes to us from South Africa. Frizzle Sizzle’ is a bulbous perennial that forms a basal rosette of corkscrew-shaped acid-green leaves: a highly original habit that alone makes this plant worth acquiring. This spiral-shaped albuca produces a pale yellow to yellow-green flower, with a light honey fragrance, on a very rigid central stem.

The basal rosette can reach 10 to 20 cm in height. The upright plant can reach 30 cm in height when in flower, and 15 to 20 cm in width. Albuca can be grown in sunny, well-drained soil, just like succulents. It can be used both indoors and outdoors. When the spiralization of the leaves diminishes significantly, severe pruning causes new spiral leaves to emerge.
